Accept Online Credit Card Payments
Payment integration experts can walk you through a straight-forword process of integrating your application with our API. On average about 8 hours of coding time is all that's needed to get you up and running and PCI compliant for secure transactions on the WorldPay platform. Our platform delivers unmatched reliability and flexibility for you and your customer. Even if you do not choose to provide an Integrated Payment Solution for your software application you can still create a recurring revenue stream ...
...from your existing or new customers that need a merchant account. There is no reason why you should not be getting paid and getting credit for delivering real value and a tremendous savings for your customers. This always creates a simple bridge for when you do decide to provide an Integrated Payment Solution.
Getting the word out to build trust & awareness is the key to success in communication your new Integrated Payment Processing Program. Novera provides all the marketing collateral for you to approve and use, to effectively communicate your new program to your customers. We can design a marketing campaign, manage it and deliver those crucial 7–9 touch points to take down the barriers and create a ground swell for adoption of your program. All at no cost to you and Novera will guide you every step of the way.
Merchants & Ecommerce customers can really save big with our flat fee merchant processing plan. By passing through the costs and charging a small Flat Fixed Fee, your business could save thousands per year (yes thousands) over any other pricing format and it’s the most transparent program to boot so you’ll know exactly what each transaction cost you each month. Let Novera do a FREE cost analysis of your merchant services and stop overpaying. Our plans start at as little as 19.95 per month.
Unmatched in Technology. Support. Value.

Technology with a winning edge.
Our Application Programming Interface allows you to process any type of transaction you could run into. Credit, Debit, Check, ACH, Recurring, Mobile. Our equipment suite has got you covered as well if its a Virtual Terminal you need or a stand alone terminal you don’t need to go anywhere else.

Support on a world class platform.
The WorldPay platform delivers one of the most robust platforms for processing transactions in the world. Customer Care provides 24/7 support with an average hold time of 32 seconds. All calls are handled here in Atlanta and not outsourced overseas.
- 99.999% up time with two fully redundant data centers
(Atlanta and Philadelphia) - Customer support offered in 168 native languages and dialects
- Free online reporting tool for every merchant account
- All major card brands processed
- Processing payments for over 400,000 businesses worldwide
- 9.6 million transactions a day – 7000 per minute
- $880 million in processing volume per day
- $186 million in ecommerce transactions per day
- Support for up to 120 currencies in over 40 countries
- VISA 2007 service quality award for the lowest chargeback to sales ratio
Mastercard 2007 global quality award for excellence in operational achievement

Our program delivers a combination of real value for both merchants and software developers alike. Weather its our Flat Fee pricing, Marketing, Recurring Revenue share or just the fact that we are accessible, easy to work with and nimble so we can adapt to a rapidly changing landscape. Contact Novera today to discuss how we can start delivering real value to you and your merchants with our turnkey ERP processing program.
ERP Turn-key
Affiliate Program
- Integrated Payment Processing
- Marketing programs
- Recurring Revenue Share
- (API) Application Programming Interface
- Gift & Loyalty Program
- Virtual Terminal support
- e Commerce
- Mobile Payments
- Lead Generation w/ Branded Web Portal
- Merchant Pricing Analysis